## 1. express.js
This framework is the most popular one since node.js was created.
It’s ecosystem is very mature, but due to lack of updates on new javascript features, it is somewhat behind the time.
And it’s code is somewhat too cohesive to be well modulised and updated in time.
## 2. sails.js
sails.js is based on express and extended to be the best mvc web framework ever created for node.js,
It is specifically well fit for small business sites.
It has many features modern web frameworks which can help you rapidly develop your sites.
Due to its complexity and ambition, it is somewhat immature for more use cases.
And is not very performant and also somewhat too cohesive to be well modulised and separated when needed.
## 3. aex.js
aex was originally developed to make sails’ modules optional,
and aware that mvc is not suitable for web frameworks.
So it is backed with a new theory — **_the Web Straight Line Theory_** and claim that mvc is not suitable for the web frameworks.
Over time when the typescript is emerged and async/await is introduced, aex was totally rewrited to embrace async/await features and fully utilize the Web Straight Line Theory.
The Web Straight Line theory aside, it also incorporated express’s middleware and necessary concepts for web frameworks from sailsjs.
Aex is well modulised and very extensible. It is compatible with most express’s middleware and support new features of javascript/typescript specifically async/await and decorators.
It is **_spring_** like when **_decorator_** is used, but more suitable for web development with **_the Web Straight Line theory_** backed instead of MVC theory.
Its core apis are very stable since its creation.
Aex is relatively new and has a very small community, so you should use it at your risk.